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Check out these books:
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America by H. Luke Shaefer and Kathryn Edin
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Check out the following opportunities to learn about engaging in grassroots activism. This page provides various avenues for you to support nationwide social movements that support our mission and the mission of the Democratic Party.
Swing Left supports Democratic election wins by offering essential resources for candidates, while also making it easy for anyone to maximize their impact on the elections that shape our country's balance of power.
Women’s March seeks to build a base of feminists to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression. The organization seeks to ensure that everyone can enjoy the freedom to protect their bodily freedom on a nationwide scale.
MoveOn is a nationwide organization that mobilizes millions for an inclusive and progressive future. MoveOn seeks to push America to fearlessly move forward and uphold values that benefit all.
March For Our Lives seeks to build safe communities where gun violence no longer exists. The movement focuses on fostering civic engagement, education, and direct action to combat the epidemic of gun violence.
Our Revolution is an organization that seeks to educate voters on various issues, such as ending gun violence and making housing affordable. The organization also supports progressive candidates nationwide.
Launched in 2015, Campaign Zero is a research-based non-profit that seeks to promote public security beyond policing. Since then, the organization has launched research and advocacy projects to promote public safety.