Register to Vote


How can I register to vote in New York State?

In 2024, Josh Riley won against Republican Mark Molinaro by roughly 5,000 votes. That means your vote in Ithaca will make a big difference in New York’s 19th Congressional District! Regardless of your party affiliation, if you want to find out more information about learning to register to vote in New York State, please refer to the New York State Board of Elections official website.

How can I register to vote in general?

If you want to register to vote in your home state, learn more about voting by mail, or see what’s on the ballot, please visit and to learn more information. You can also look below to find your state.


*several states do not allow online voter registration, most only allow online registration with an in state drivers license or comparable identification, and several require Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be dowloaded here

N.B.: Military, Overseas voters, and their eligible dependents are protected under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) of 1986.