We further progressive and democratic ideals


Our Mission.

The mission of the Cornell Democrats shall be to actively represent and promote the Democratic Party’s interests and ideals within the Cornell community and to foster a community of progressive individuals on the Cornell Campus. The Cornell Democrats shall actively support principles of social, political, and economic justice.

General Body Meetings are held every Tuesday 5:30 PM at Goldwin Smith Hall 142


As the Cornell Democrats (Cornell Dems), we are the Cornell chapter of the College Democrats of America, and a chapter of the College Democrats of New York. We seek to educate about, lead discussions of, and participate in the political issues of the day. Our focus in on campus, local, national, and international. One of our organization's purposes is to get Democrats elected at the local, state and national level. We meet at least once a week and in these meetings we learn about and discuss politics, host political speakers, organize social action and campaign activities, and participate in the political process.

Upcoming Events

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This organization is a registered student organization of Cornell University